Emerging trends in the Meetings and Events sector: 2024

Emerging trends in the Meetings and Events sector: 2024

The landscape of the meetings and events sector is continually evolving, shaped by both technological advancements and shifting market dynamics. As we move forward, several key trends are emerging that you should to be aware of. These trends are set to redefine the industry standards and expectations in 2024 and beyond. Here’s a look at what’s on the horizon

Experience-First Events Lead the Way

The focus is shifting from mere meetings to memorable experiences. Today’s attendees expect events not just to inform but also to inspire. Creating immersive experiences that engage all senses can set your events apart, making them more impactful and memorable. This trend highlights the importance of creativity and personalisation in event planning.

Drastic Advancements in Event Technology

Technology continues to play a pivotal role in transforming the events landscape. From virtual reality (VR) that allows for a 3D view of a venue from miles away to advanced data analytics that provide deeper insights into attendee behaviour, technology is making it easier to plan, execute, and measure the success of events. Staying abreast of these technological advances is crucial for enhancing attendee engagement and operational efficiency.

Increased Focus on Accessibility and Inclusion

There’s a growing emphasis on making events accessible and inclusive for all attendees. This means not only ensuring physical accessibility but also considering the diverse needs of all participants, including those with hidden disabilities. Incorporating features like sign language interpretation, subtitles, and materials available in various formats ensures that everyone has an equitable experience.

Continued Drive Towards Sustainability

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword but a critical component of event planning. The industry is seeing a shift towards more environmentally friendly practices, from reducing waste and using sustainable materials to selecting venues that prioritise green practices. This trend is driven by both environmental concerns and attendee expectations.

In-Person Events Dominate the Market

Despite the rise of virtual meetings during the pandemic, there is a clear preference for in-person interactions as they foster better connection and collaboration. The tactile nature of live events cannot be fully replicated online, and as such, they continue to dominate the market. Ensuring the safety of attendees with robust health protocols remains a priority.

Tighter Budgets Demand Strategic Event Programmes

Economic pressures are leading to tighter event budgets, requiring a more strategic approach to planning and execution. This means more meticulous budget management and a focus on proving ROI for every event undertaken. Event planners need to be more innovative in how they deliver value without compromising the quality of the experience.

Venues Are Reluctant to Hold First Options

A significant shift in venue booking practices has emerged, with many venues now reluctant to hold first options without commitments. This change pushes corporate clients to make quicker decisions and firm bookings sooner to secure preferred dates and locations. It’s a trend that underscores the competitive nature of the market and the need for efficient decision-making in event planning.


Keeping a pulse on these industry trends is essential for anyone involved in corporate event planning. By adapting to these changes, you can ensure that your events are not only successful but also align with modern expectations and standards. Whether it’s leveraging technology for better engagement, ensuring inclusivity, or driving sustainability, the focus is clear: thoughtful, well-executed events are key to achieving business objectives and leaving a lasting impact on attendees.

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