How do I attract corporate clients to my venue?

How do I attract corporate clients to my venue?

Written by
Luke Bull

1. Build a Robust Online Presence

Why it's important: In today's digital age, the first point of contact between your venue and potential clients is often online. Make sure your website is professional, easy to navigate, and up-to-date. Your social media platforms should regularly showcase your venue hosting different types of events to attract a broader range of corporate clients.

What you can do: Invest in professional photography and possibly a virtual tour of your venue. This gives potential clients a better sense of your space before they even step foot in it.

2. Network, Network, Network

Why it's important: Utilise your contacts and reach out to event planners, caterers, and other professionals in the event industry. They can refer corporate clients to your venue, and a good word from a trusted industry leader can go a long way.

What you can do: Attend industry events, webinars, and trade shows. Be active on LinkedIn and engage with key decision-makers in the corporate world.

3. Offer Corporate Packages

Why it's important: Create packages specifically designed for corporate needs, which could include AV equipment, breakout rooms, and high-speed internet connectivity. Make sure to offer customisation options to meet the unique requirements of each corporate client.

What you can do: Consider partnering with local vendors for bundled offerings like catering, transportation, and accommodation. These all-in-one packages are attractive for corporate event planners looking for streamlined solutions.

4. Showcase Testimonials and Case Studies

Why it's important: Client testimonials serve as social proof that your venue can handle corporate events effectively. If possible, develop case studies from past events that demonstrate your venue’s capabilities, and make these available on your website and marketing materials.

What you can do: Actively seek feedback from past clients and ask if you can feature their testimonials. Photos or videos from past corporate events can also add authenticity to your claims.

5. Understand and Highlight Your Unique Selling Points

Why it's important: What sets your venue apart from the others? Is it your central location? State-of-the-art technology? Exceptional customer service? Make sure these unique selling points are highlighted in all your marketing materials.

What you can do: Clearly list your USPs on your website, social media, and even within your venue. Use them as talking points when meeting with potential corporate clients.

6. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Why it's important: From the first interaction, make your corporate clients feel valued and understood. Quick response times, flexibility, and attention to detail will set you apart from competitors.

What you can do: Train your staff in customer service excellence, focusing on communication skills, problem-solving, and a client-first approach.

7. Follow Up

Why it's important:

After you’ve hosted a corporate event, the relationship shouldn’t end there. Follow up with the client to solicit feedback and thank them for choosing your venue.

What you can do: Keep track of these corporate relationships in a CRM system, and engage with them periodically through newsletters or personal messages.


By implementing these strategies, your venue will be well-positioned to attract corporate clients. Not only can this sector offer lucrative opportunities, but it can also elevate your venue’s reputation as a desirable, professional space for events of all kinds.

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